Cleaning For A Reason - This is a program that provides free house cleaning services to patients going through treatment. This program isn't available in every area, but it was very helpful while I was going through chemo. Like every program on this list, proof of treatment has to be provided by your doc. or nurse. There is a very simple application that can be found on their website. I was approved for four cleanings & I rested so much easier knowing a group of professionals kept things dusted & vacuumed for me when I wasn't able.
The Pink Daisy Project - This program sends gift cards to various places to help ease some of the financial drain. We received gift cards to Target, a gas station, and two restaurants. Making multiple trips for treatment can get very expensive & gas cards are a huge blessing. So are restaurant gift cards when you are just too tired to get in the kitchen.
The Pink Fund - This program gives financial grants for non-medical living expenses for breast cancer patients. The application process was long & very thorough but it did take care of a month of rent & some utilities so it was worth it.
The American Cancer Society - The American Cancer Society gives a lot of help to cancer patients where I live. They give rides to patients who can get themselves to treatment, they provided me with a wig, they have many different events that get cancer patients together & raise money for this very worthy cause. I did a program called Look Good, Feel Better that was through the ACS & it was amazing. I learned makeup tips that helped deal with my eyebrows & lashes falling out, learned some ways to tie a scarf, and got a bag full of really nice make-up. Calling their cancer hotline is where I began. I'm going to be very involved with the American Cancer Society this year - I'll post more about that later.
Cancer Care - This is a great resource if you are looking for financial assistance.
BCAP Fund -The Breast Cancer Assistance Program (BCAP) Fund was a great help! They give financial assistance to breast cancer patients in the Tulsa area. This is another way we kept our bills paid & they even brought over some Christmas gifts for us. It was a huge blessing!
Assistance In Healthcare - We have not utilized this program, but it is another program that provides financial assistance to cancer patients in the Tulsa area.
Tulsa Community Foundation - The Tulsa Community Foundation administers several programs that are designed to help people in active treatment with various financial grants.
Oklahoma Project Woman - This is a program that provides free mammograms, diagnostic procedures, and surgical services for OK women with no health insurance &/or limited financial resources.
Cancer Matters - This is another page that someone put together with some various programs. I do not have experience with all of these, but anything is worth a shot!
I know there are more programs out there, but these are just some that I had direct experience or knowledge of. I hope this can help someone & if you know of something that I missed please do not hesitate to let me know of your experience & I'll add it to my list.